Two things. Number one: the paper house has finally caught up with the modern world and created a Facebook account - keep your eyes peeled for 'Jennifer Thomas Writes'. Number two: novel number two is well on its way.
Brass is an account of the Yorkshire miner's strike through the eyes of a young woman, eager to find her place within the changing North.
I am very excited and can barely move my fingers fast enough to type the story spiilling out. Yorkshire is close to my heart and there are many parts of this, while writing, that have genuinely moved me.
The research continues. Many thanks already to the wonderful libraries that grace our country. Spending most of my time browsing their shelves and irritating their staff, I can be found on my days off hiding in the deep and dark corners of these magnificent places. If you don't already, I strongly suggest you take a wander down to your local library, and have a gander at the treasures waiting for you in all the words of those wonderful, wonderful books.
Until next time,
Mrs Thomas.